Monday 16 June 2014

Naturally Incredible!

Crema di Formaggio Fresco Tedesco con Datteri, Miele, Menta & Pistacchie
Creamy Cheese Curd with Dates, Mint, Honey & Pistachios

Sometimes, what might seem extravagant and exotic is in reality very simple and "everyday" ... and sometimes it is amazing just how good the results of such a simple little dish can be.

One of the most everyday of products for us here in Germany, is "quark" or cheese curds. This can be substituted with yogurt or some other kind of cream cheese, but it is more the mix of dates and mint that had me going on this evening, as I recently had a scoop of an ice cream of the same flavor which rocked my little world!

And I repeat! Simple ingredients were all I needed... Around 300g of quark, a good handful of fresh mint and 5-6 dried dates-depending on how much of a sweet tooth you have!

The great thing here is that there is hardly any prep-work involved- basically speaking you only need to remove the stones from the center of the dates 

Spoon-up the cheese curd, the mint and the dates into a small container and blend for 1-2 minutes, in small pulses, until the mixture is nice and even.

At this point, add a little squeeze of lemon juice, a hint of cinnamon and then whizz together once more for a minute, before scooping the mixture out of the bowl, into a plastic container and transferring it to the freezer for just a half hour or so, for it to be thoroughly chilled before serving.

I served mine up in small, flat ramekins, scattered with pistachios, drizzled with honey and garnished with a sprig of mint... What a Summertime treat! And no, I don't mind if I do! 

Rich, herby, natural and delicious! Low on calories too, yay!

How beautiful is that?!?!

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