Tuesday 20 May 2014

Grate Stuff On Top!

Bruschetta con Cetriolo, Feta, Germogli di Ravanello & Miele
Cucumber & Feta Cheese Bruschetta with Radish Sprouts & Honey


There's nothing nicer, lighter, or simpler as an afternoon snack than a cucumber sandwich on a hot and sunny day... am I right?

Actually- these crunchy and refreshing variations on that classic theme may well be nicer... in fact- I am pretty sure they are!


I'm not sure about you, dear viewers... but I for one would rather take a bit out of this than one of those little triangles of sliced, spongy white bread, with the crusts cut off!

Please don't hate me for it! After all- I did make these things in order to share them with you! (Although of course, I ate the lot of them myself!


As you can see, I used 2 English muffin-styled breakfast rolls to make my bruschetta, a small cucumber, about a quarter block of Feta cheese, a couple of stems of fresh oregano, a handful of lovely. colorful and peppery radish sprouts and about a tablespoon of honey. That and a little olive oil, salt and pepper was all I needed!


This is just so much prettier, tastier and more fun than a regular cheese and cucumber sandwich- and probably takes less time to make! And here's how...

Step one- cut the cucumber in half, then quarters and then chop out the seeds in the middle.


Step two, coarsely grate the cucumber and then add salt, sugar and pepper to it. Stir it together well, or better still, use your hand to mash it together... the salt and sugar will not only flavor the cucumber, but will also draw lots of moisture out of it.


Step three- give it a good wring out and pour off all of that excess liquid... you don't want to have a soggy sandwich after all!


Step four- crumble and add the Feta cheese and then finely chop and add the oregano too... stir everything together and that is basically the topping for your bruschetta.


Of course it is called "bruschetta", which derives from the fact that the bread needs to be "bruciato", or burned- so either toast it or do what I did and press it down onto a griddle pan until you have those nice charred markings on it... yummy!

Top generously with the cucumber and cheese mix and drizzle with a little olive oil.


The finishing touch was the radish sprouts today of course, but you can use cress, alfalfa or any other kind of small sprouts... a drizzle of honey to compliment the salty Feta cheese and there you have a beautiful and elegant snack, practically conjured out of thin air! Enjoy!

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