Sunday 25 March 2012

Bombay Underground

Patate Dolce e Topinambur con Spezie Indiani
Indian-Spiced Sweet Potato and Sun Chokes

Things have been a little meatless in my kitchen of late- but you know, there are so many fun alternatives that it doesn't have to be a question of being vegetarian or not- it is just that life is too short to not enjoy a little variety! And with the multitude of spices that we have to flavor our food- there really is no reason at all for it to be bland or boring...

So this is a dish of spiced-up sweet potatoes and sun chokes. I wanted to see how much flavor I could infuse them with, using a few Indian spices- and was rather pleased with the result I must say!

I started out by steaming the sweet potatoes and chokes together for 10 minutes. Remember to sprinkle the sun chokes with lemon juice as soon as you have peeled them, as they tend to discolor very quickly!

Whilst they are cooking, dry-roast the spices in a dry frying pan. I used fennel and caraway seed, a little finely chopped ginger, a small star anise and the seeds from a couple of cardamom pods. After around 4-5 minutes of pan roasting, I ground them up finely with my mortar and pestle.

After the sweet potato and chokes were done, I transferred them to the frying pan with a teaspoon of clarified butter and the spices, as well as a tablespoon of garam masala and a tablespoon of tandoori spice. And of course salt and pepper as usual! I fried them at a moderate heat for 5 minutes, stirring gently and making sure that everything was coated well. I then added a squeeze of lime juice, a little honey and some chili flakes. Simple! But tasty!

I served them with some simple steamed Basmati rice and a sauce made of yogurt, mint, Spring onion, garlic, cucumber, lime juice and a little green Tabasco.

And of course this is not traditional or authentic Indian cooking in any way- but it is all kind of delicious in every which way! And that is a fact!

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