Wednesday, 23 November 2011

What a Curry On!

Ananas & Carne di Maiale Curata "Kasseler" al Curry con Peperoni Rossi e Menta
Curried Pineapple, "Kasseler" Cured Pork, Red Peppers and Mint 

I guess thanks for this dish need to go out to my friends Martin and Georg, who kindly donated a HUGE pineapple yesterday, after we finished doing a photo-shoot for a new fruit juice design we are working on. So check this out guys- not the typical sweet'n'sour pork dish here- but easy, quick- and I would say a lot more tasty!

One combination I really like is pineapple and mint- though each is very strong-tasting in their own individual way, I find them wonderful together. I also love what happens to pineapple after it has cooked for a while and caramelized a little and begins to give off its rich, tangy juices... mmm!

So I started off with some diced "Kasseler"- which is a kind of cured pork here in Germany, similar to Gammon in the UK- alas I do not know an American equivalent. Let's just say it is like a mild, juicy bacon. The Kasseler went into the frying pan first and was followed by the pineapple as soon as the pork started to brown.

I seasoned it with a tablespoon of Madras curry powder, a little freshly ground Panch Puren spice, salt, pepper and a little grated ginger. Once the pineapple begins to give off its juice, add the red pepper, some finely chopped marjoram, parsley and mint. I kept the heat up relative high in order to get the sweet pineapple juice to start caramelizing- which gives everything a really wonderful flavor.

After 3-4 minutes, I added half of a red onion in fine slices and a squeeze of lime juice... and that is practically all there was to it! I served it on a bed of Jasmin rice, with a couple of fresh mint leaves as a garnish... and as you can see- it looked petty yummy! So I hope you all enjoy it!

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