Sunday 31 July 2011

Frittelle di Mousse al Cioccolato con Pesche e Mandorle 
Chocolate Mousse Pancakes with Peaches and Almonds

Desperate measures time again. One egg, one peach, one helluva tummy rumble and hungry for something yummy and sweet for breakfast... what ever are we going to do?!? Not a problem- no need to worry because we are going to do this! Grab your whisk, kick on the oven, grab your frying pan- and let's make us an amazing pancake!

Ok, so let's crack that one single egg and separate it. In one bowl, beat the white until stiff and creamy. In another, beat the yolk, together with a half cup of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes, a little cinnamon, a little honey, 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Oh, and a tiny pinch of salt! You can also add a hint of chili or cayenne, but that really is optional! 

Gently fold the egg white into the creamy, chocolaty pancake mix. And go get your frying pan ready...  

Whilst your pan heats up, quickly cut a ripe peach into thin slices and prepare some slivers of almonds for sprinkling... yum, yum, yum!

Get your lightly buttered pan nice and hot and pour in the pancake mix. After a minute or so, it will start to set and bubbles will begin to appear on the surface... now is the time to add those slices of peach and the almonds! Once it is nicely coated, transfer your frying pan from the stove to the oven to finish it off. After a minute or so in the oven, sprinkle with sugar, so that the peaches and almonds get a slight glaze. 

Fortunately for me, I had just made up a new batch of my powdered lavender and star anise sugar... but regular powdered or granulated sugar is fine. Another 2-3 minutes in the oven and you should be done! 

The great thing about having the yogurt and the beaten egg white in the mix, is that you get a soft and creamy texture, which actually IS very similar to a chocolate mousse! Who knew?? But for sure I will be making this again... and I hope you do too!

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