Wednesday, 30 September 2015

All Choked-Up!

Spaghettini con Topinambur, Piselli, Menta & Ricotta Salata
Spaghettini with Jerusalem Artichokes, Peas, Mint & Salted Ricotta

You can't beat a good plate of spaghetti... That much is a sure thing! There is hardly a foodstuff in the world more popular and well loved!

Whether you serve spaghetti with sauce, with a cream sauce, with crispy breadcrumbs or in any other of the myriad of ways to enjoy Italy's number one food!


This dish and the ingredients it uses are based loosely on the classic combination of artichoke, mint, potato and peas... Only this time I decided to use Jerusalem artichokes instead, and to grate with salted ricotta... What a great simple meal!


This is a dish that lives from its simplicity and it's really as basic as can be to recreate.

To make it, you will need your handful of pasta per person, about 1 teacup full of diced Jerusalem artichoke, 1 teacup full of fresh peas, 1 shallot, 2 sprigs of mint, some set, pepper and nutmeg as seasoning, some good olive oil for dressing and if possible... Someone to share the simple joy when you sit down to eat!


Simple food, great flavors, nothing more! That's my secret!


Start off by finely dicing and frying the shallot and the Jerusalem artichokes in just a little olive oil, until golden brown.


Whilst you are stir-frying the shallot and artichokes together, bring your water to the boil and begin to cook the pasta. After 4 minutes or so, transfer it to the frying pan along with plenty of the water, for it to continue cooking with all of the other ingredients.


Keep stirring and boiling the pasta until almost all of the water has been absorbed and all of th flavors have been soaked up, then grate generously with nutmeg and add a good, generous pinch of finely chopped mint. Add a drizzle of olive oil and toss through thoroughly before serving... Because right now, you ARE indeed ready to serve!

Easy-peasy... Wasn't it?  


Grate with a little salted ricotta, add plenty of freshly ground pepper and garnish decoratively with th remaining mint.nbe generous with it... You are going to be plucking it apart and stirring it in after all! All part of the fun!


Once you have plucked apart the mint at the table, you are ready to give it one final stir-through... And to finally sit down and enjoy!


What a combination of flavors and how wonderful the weather combine together... These are the joys of good home cooking!


  1. Endlich bist Du wieder da. Ich habe ich schmerzlich vermisst!


  2. Ich freu mich auch wieder da zu sein, Zizibe! :-)
