Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Stew-pendous Supper!

Spezzatino Vegetale con Zucca, Okra, Pastinaca & Patate
Vegetable Stew with Squash, Okra, Parsnips & Potatoes

Even a small butternut squash goes quite a long way if you've on your own, like me. The one that I bought on Saturday was nut much larger than a good-sized mango, but it will have made for 3 lovely meals by the time I am through with it! 

And so, take a look at this here- my second creation using just a couple of cups of of diced squash and a few other vegetables this evening. Looks pretty inviting after a cold walk home and a hard days work, doesn't it?

I added the okra I had bought as I was still not sure about what to make with it and definitely didn't want to let it go past its prime before deciding... some parsnip and celery for depth of flavor, potatoes to make it more filling and tomatoes to add some fruitiness... and the basis for my stew was right there, just waiting to be spruced up and made delicious. And fortunately, it didn't take much effort to do that- and of course it all took place in one pot as well! All good stuff!

So, here it all is- well most of it anyway! 2 small potatoes, 2 small parsnips, 1 shallot, 1/2 a stalk of celery, a handful of para and a handful of cherry tomatoes, a little parsley and not visible in this picture- 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 1 teaspoon of fennel seed, 1 tablespoon of dried marjoram, 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika, salt, pepper and olive oil.

Just simple, country-styled cooking and the best thing at this time of year on a cold evening. You know that it's true!

Start off by chopping up all of your ingredients into nice, bite-sized pieces and begin the cooking process with the parsnips, celery and shallot in a little olive oil, along with the fennel seed and a touch of pepper.

Once the shallot is nicely translucent and the parsnips have begin to brown, add the potatoes and squash.

Season with salt and pepper, stir along with the other ingredients for 2-3 minutes and in the meantime, bring yourself a little water up to the boil ready to add. Next, add the okra, tomatoes, tomato paste, dried marjoram and get ready to start turning this colorful combination into a stew!

Top up with enough water to just barely cover everything, season with salt, pepper and the smoked paprika. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a low simmer and let it bubble away, with the lid on for the next 40-45 minutes. 

Stir occasionally, but otherwise let it just sit and cook as it is, so as to not let the softer ingredients like the squash and okra disintegrate too much.

It's a simple but harmonious dish- mild but satisfying, healthy and colorful and pleasing in so many ways... again- and you all know this by now... this is MY kinda food!

Grab a spoon and tuck in! Trust me- you'll enjoy it!

Yummy, yum-yum!


  1. Ich beneide dich um deine Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Frische Okra bekomme ich allenfalls einmal im Jahr in unserem kleinen Städtchen.
    lg Zizibe

  2. Da hast Du aber Recht! Ich weiß ganz genau das ich hier mit unsere Markthalle ein Riesen-glück habe, liebe Zizibe!
