Tuesday 22 March 2011

Thought for Food...

Look, first things first... I am not a chef. 

Hell, I am not even a cook... I am just a dude, ok? A dude who enjoys his food. Plain and simple.

So why should you even care about a thing I say or cook? Well... maybe you are a dude (or dude-ette), who likes to cook too. And you might just dig some of my experiments and ideas. You might even be interested in where  some of my ideas come from. 

Or do you want to look up a nice macaroni cheese recipe somewhere? Some nice, safe, traditional recipes maybe? Oh please... don‘t you have enough of those already?
Don't worry- I am not going to freak you out with fancy and elaborate dishes, or blow your mind with outrageous and outlandish concoctions. Do you think that's what I want to be eating? Hell no!
I just want to excercise my tastebuds now and again, to enjoy the things that I know and love in ways that make them interesting and new. I am constantly looking for fresh ideas and ways to make things a little easier... or better... or both.

And sure- I tend to be a little opinionated at times when it comes to food. Oh- you don't like that? Well I think you should have an opinion about the foods you choose to eat! And you are never going to read a book, an article or a recipe, that has been written by someone who didn't have their own opinion. Why on earth would they sit down and write about it otherwise? And what would be the point of you reading it?

It's not about preaching- it's about sharing.
It's not about saying "that thing is bad", but about saying "hey- do you know how good this is?".

Trust me and follow my lead and you will enjoy some pretty good eats.
When it comes to food especially, it IS all a matter of taste...
So I hope that you agree that my sense of taste ain't that bad!

Francesco Strazzanti
International Gastronaut

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